Thursday, March 24, 2005


I'm going to see Rose today!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm leaving in an hour!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh...... I haven't seen her since the last day of Conference in July. Yikes......

I'm so excited, I can't wait to see her......

Jacqi and I are still on a break and at this point, I'm completely fine with that. I'm not sure that I'll be with her in two weeks. Sometimes, regardless of the situation, you just feel used and unappreciated. This is one of those times for me.

Rose promised me that while I was in Virginia I would eat good food, drink good coffee, get great massages and walk on the beach. I can't imagine a better vacation for me.

I am in love with Ben Harper. I bought three of cds today. IN LOVE.

I'm going to start focusing on my spirituality more. I've missed that. I sang Taize songs yesterday in the chapel by myself. It was really nice. I like myself so much more when I'm coming from a space of spirituality.

My dad called me a few days ago and told me that he is no longer trying to get the job at the University of Hartford. They didn't have the kinds of resources he wants to expand the business school there. He's going to the University of Richmond next Friday for an interview. Richmond is an excellent school with plenty of resources etc. It's also 8 hours away from Bard, a huge plus for me. I think my entire family wants to end up there. I really don't think I want to be in Florida, though I'm not sure why. Virginia just seems like the right place for my family.

I miss my brothers, I should call them...... They're both great guys. I need to start thinking about what to get Zack for his birthday. It's in May, but I want to get him something awesome. I'll be home for his birthday so maybe I'll take a bunch of his friends out to do something fun and hang out for the night. That would be cool. I miss him.

I seem to be catching up with everyone, at least a little bit in the last few weeks. I've talked to a lot of people from home and from Y.O.U. It's really nice. Life has been crazy like you wouldn't believe in the last month. I'm not kidding, this stuff with Jacqi is the most dramatic relationship I have EVER been in, and neither one of us is really making an attempt to make it so.

Wow........ As I finished writing that sentence, Jacqi called me for the first time in a week. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... Life is crazy my friends. Perhaps she actually does care about me in some weird, abstract way. To life.

Any way....... hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... What else can I write about? I haven't actually written in such a long time......

Conference planning went well last week. I got to see Shands again, very exciting. That's where those two hand pictures come in. Danielle- sorry I missed the ' on Shands' hand lol. I'm going to finish formatting family group material when I get back on Wednesday. Conference is really close to being completely planned, which is so strange. It's still four months away and we're not having another planning session. Woah. Guess what? I'm an International Officer. Woah. I'm going to be running Conference..... Woah. Crazy shit yo.

I still need to get in contact with the service project people. *eep*. I have no idea what the Service project is going to be for the day of service at conference. That's also on my list of things to do next week. Wooooohooooooo.

I'm taking a vacation first though.


Ok... so Ben Harper lyrics, read and enjoy and buy the cd (Diamonds on the Inside)-

Amen Omen
Ben Harper

What started as a whisper,
Slowly turned in to a scream.
Searching for an answer
Where the question is unseen.
I don't know where you came from
And I don?t know where you've gone.
Old friends become old strangers
Between darkness and the dawn

Amen omen, will I see your face again?
Amen omen, can I find the place within
To live my life without you?

I still hear you saying
"All of life, it is chance,
And is sweetest, is sweetest when at a glance"
But I live,
I live a hundred, hundred lifetimes in a day.
But I die a little,
In every breath - that - I take.

Amen omen, will I see your face again?
Amen omen, can I find the place within
To live my life without you?

I listen to a whisper,
Slowly drift away.
Silence is the loudest,
Parting word you never say.
I put I put your world
Into my veins
Now a voiceless sympathy
Is all that remains.

Amen omen, will I see your face again?
Amen omen, can I find the place within
To live my life without you?

Amen omen, can I find the strength within?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I should wash my face...

... I can feel the dried tears that have been circling around my eyes.

If this wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth waiting.

I'm going to see Rose in three days; I haven't seen her since the end of Conference last year.

Jacqi and I went on a break on Friday, I haven't talked to her since then, and not by choice mind you.

This should be interesting.

I miss Jacqi.

If this wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth waiting.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Jacqi Rose Anderson and Me!

Aren't we cute?

My hand.......

Shands hand......

My Dad and I in Hartford, Conneticut after looking at the college my dad might be working at next year.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I have a girlfriend... Her name is Jacqi. She calls me her little angel.

Touch From Your Lust
Ben Harper

I need to sleep
But I'm too tired
I need to come down
But I'm too wired
When the sun comes up
I miss the moon
I know tomorrow
Is gonna come too soon

She only wants to be wanted
But time crumbles blue roses to dust
Now I long to feel
The touch from your lust

Scars on your back
Tell where you've been
But I'll roll like the ocean
If you'll blow like the wind
Sweet Texas angel
What have your blue eyes seen
I'll be your country gentleman
If you will be my Mason Dixon queen

She only wants to be wanted
But time crumbles blue roses to dust
Now I long to feel
The touch from your lust
So much sweeter
Than all the rest
You're what lies
Between pain and death
Sinners and saints
Call you by name
If you're gonna take the praise
You're gonna have to learn to take the blame

She only wants to be wanted
But time crumbles blue roses to dust
Now I long to feel
The touch from your lust