Thursday, March 11, 2004

The Terrible, Horrible, Not-Good, Very Bad Day!

Yay for children's stories!!!!!!! If you don't what I'm alluding to, you should be ashamed of yourself. Say three Hail Marys and go here.

So, now, about that terrible, horrible, not-good, very bad day......... There is a playoff game. It's on Monday. I don't get to play. *Eep*.

We're tied for third at the moment and therefore we must play a tie breaker game. Coach was reading the rules for first and second place when she told us that after the number of games it goes to goals. For third there must be a game.

We were going to try and work around everything but I won't be back in town. I have to go to school for a half day to be able to play. I won't be.

There are times in life when you must sieze a situation in your hands, to mold it, to make it fit what you need it to, what it must. There are times in life when after the melting, the stretching, the manipulation, things just don't fit, they don't coincide. When you've reached that point it's time to let go before you are burned. Circumstance wins every once in a while. At least I can go to bed every night knowing I have done all that I could.

Thinking about how I let the team down makes me sick but I would feel even sicker if I let the Regis down. I can't do that, I know I can't. I said a pledge to put YOU first in every situation and I will abide by that not only because of my words but because YOU has made me who I am or rather, allowed me to become what I truly need to be. For that I am grateful.

On a side note- K.C., thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for letting me complain, thank you for just listening and not trying to solve all of my problems. Thank you for holding me in your arms, thank you for attempting to tickle me *smiles*. Thank you for the kisses, the laughs, the silliness. Thank you for loving me for what I am. Thank you for making me smile when I'm down, for always wanting to spray paint dogs and birds and squirrels even though we both know its bad lol. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for all of your elegant words that make me smile and blush and breatheless as I read them. Thank you for not getting bored of me, for not getting fed up with my little quirks. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am blessed.

And baby, you know I wouldn't read your little pink book unless you wanted me to *winks*.

I get to see K.C. tonight and I can't wait.

Speaking of that....... I have so much I need to do. Lets make a list!!!

    Things I Need To Do
  • Paint trim

  • Sand around door, paint

  • Take down door, sand it, paint it, put it back up

  • Clean room

  • Finish helping mom with mulch

  • Clean Ben's room

  • Write a letter to soccer team

  • Print out Regi stuff

  • Pack

  • Spend as long as possible with K.C.

  • Sleep

Here's to finishing way to much stuff in way to little time. I want to be out of the house by 5:00 p.m. so I can spend four hours with K.C. That gives me six hours to finish all of that.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!


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